November and December highlights will be coming at a later date. In the meantime I had to share these skate ornaments I made with my Harrington sisters and Kari (my mom-in-law). We had such a great time putting these together!
The background: We needed ice skate ornaments for the children at church to help them remember a story my father-in-law will be reading to them on Christmas Eve.

The problem: We couldn't find them anywhere!
The solution: Make our own!!
We found the basic idea on the following website, but tweaked it to our liking
Here's what you need:
- felt
- large paper clips
- tissues/ cotton balls (to use as stuffing)
- needle and thread
- silver cord string (or any thick thread you'd like to use for the laces)
- ribbon (for hanging the ornament)
- fancy ribbon (for the top of the skate)
Step 1: Use the stencil on the website above to cut out the felt skate.
Step 2: Begin sewing the skate closed starting from the lower left corner of the skate pictured above. When you get to the top, loop the "fancy ribbon" around the top of the boot and place the ends in between the two pieces of felt. Also place the two ends of the "hanging ribbon" in between the two pieces of felt. Sew the top shut.
Step 3: Stuff the skate with tissue (or any other stuffing of your choice), then sew the skate shut.
Step 4: Slide a paper clip in the bottom of the skate, then finish closing up the skate. Be sure to secure the paper clip in place with a stitch or two.
Almost done!!
Step 5: Use the silver cord string to stitch laces.
"Ta da!!" A Skate ornament! Aren't they lovely???