Friday, January 29, 2010
Do We Have a Walker??
January 8th Mark took "steps" between Chris and me. While I wouldn't quite say he's "walking" yet, it still seems like a milestone to celebrate. We're so proud of our little guy!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
December Highlights (Part 2)
Mark and Piper...good buddies
From time to time I get the privilege of watching the adorable Piper Gray. Mark loves having his playmate over (and mom loves the help in entertaining him!).
Can it get any cuter than this??? (I submit that it cannot!)
We couldn't pass up having some sort of Christmas experience in our new home with our perfect Christmas tree. (not to mention I was looking for an excuse to allow Mark to wear his "My 1st Christmas" pj's more than once) So we celebrating Christmas morning the weekend before we headed out of town for Christmas. My parents had graciously sent all of our Christmas gifts via UPS which we happily opened for the occasion.
loving life in the Christmas PJ's his grandma got for him
Christmas at the Harringtons in Richmond
I tend to dream about my baby's "firsts." His first Easter, road trip, Thanksgiving....and Christmas. I imagined him squealing with the excitement of ripping the wrapping paper. I imagined him darting from gift to gift exploring the ribbons and bows. I even imagined him enjoying the boxes more than the gifts because everyone warned us of that. Unfortunately my imaginations were a far cry from the real events of the morning. The wrapping paper--he could take it or leave it. Boxes--AFRAID!! Excitement--lets just say he went down for 2 naps during the opening of gifts. But you know what?? Christmas morning he loved his gifts, playing with his Aunts and Uncles, and being the perfect little snuggle bug. I wouldn't trade it for the world! :-) We had fun and I'm pretty sure he did too. We did manage to get a few pics of my attempts to fulfill my anticipations.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
So why the new name???
Top 5 Reasons for Our Name Change:
- We didn't want to be associated with that tragic show that used to be on TLC
- We wanted the focus of the blog to bring attention to God's goodness, so we looked for a name change that had something to do with His blessings
- "Chris and leanne plus one" might not be accurate in the future
- We were up for the challenge of finding another blog name that had exactly 21 letters
- Who doesn't like a little change to spice life up?!?
Why the name "Drinking from our saucer"?
The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.
Monday, January 11, 2010
December Highlights (part 1)
A Weekend of Harrington Traditions:
We love having people over. It is such treat to be with friends and an even bigger treat to introduce them to our world in this city called Twinsburg. At the beginning of December we had the privilege of doing just that with our friends JB & Bethany Ward, Joel, Erica, & Collette Momper, AND Jason Spanogle---AEX friends... for those of you who do not know, AEX was Chris's housing group at Grove City. We spent the weekend celebrating some of the Christmas traditions Chris and I have started here in Twinsburg AND (of course...) playing Settlers of Catan. Here's our weekend itinerary...
Friday night: The Wards arrive during the craziness of what is called our "Adult Ministry Team Meeting". We work with the middle school youth group. Our meetings may or may not include messy Gingerbread House competitions. :-)
Saturday Morning: We enjoyed a little R & R as we awaited the arrival of the Mompers. Upon their arrival, we all bundled up and headed to our 1st tradition: breakfast at Yours Truly in Chagrin Falls... our fav!!
Mark enjoys some play time with Uncle JB
The Christmas tree Farm: After breakfast it was time to get our Christmas tree. We love Sugar Pines Farm in Chesterland. We tried a few "cut your own" Christmas tree farms but have found this place has the best selection in the best location for us.
Collete and Mark tour the Christmas Tree Farm in Luxury
Mark's Christmas Tree Pick
Bethany picked "The One"
Chris's Chili & a Fun Filled Evening
For dinner we feasted on Chris's award winning chili. (Yes, my husband won "People's choice" for Nestle's Supply Chain chili cook-off 2 years in a row!! When all bellies were fed we strung popcorn and cranberries for our tree while playing Settlers of Catan. I must say I have a love-hate relationship with this tradition. I love the way the popcorn strings look on the tree, but DESPISE stringing them. Playing Settlers and having friends to share the load made the experience much more palatable. The rest of the evening was filled with Christmas music (thanks to Spanogle), decorating (thanks to Bethany's eye beauty), and many laughs. It was one of those days you wish you could relive.
Isn't this a great pic (minus the spit up)??
Saturday, January 9, 2010
November 2009 Highlights
Aunt Beth Visits:
Aunt Beth drove out from NJ to visit and to help paint the nursery. Long story short we painted it 3 times. But 3rd time is a charm because I LOVE the new color! Beth was super patient with me and she's excellent with the paint brush. Thanks Aunt Beth!
Mark Crawls (11-8-2009):
During Aunt Beth's Visit, Mark crawled for the first time. Beth and I were out for the big event, but Chris was there to witness and video tape.
Aunt Molly's Grove City College Interview Weekend:
Mimi, Papa, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Molly stayed with us the weekend Molly had her interview for Grove City. We did a lot of dreaming. "If Molly gets in..." I love reminiscing when your know how the story unfolds... Aunt Molly was accepted to Grove City College and will be attending in the fall!!! Congratulations Molly!! We couldn't be happier for you (and have you so close is a dream!).
Uncle Ben's #1 Fan
The Hanlons came out to OH the week leading up to Thanksgiving. We were like kids on Christmas Eve as we waited for their arrival. They loved the house (it was their first introduction to it). My dad went right to work (as usual). He installed wonderful cabinets in our laundry room and child safety latches in our kitchen. I might add-- neither one of the jobs was easy. Thank you Dad!! After their visit we drove out to NJ for Thanksgiving. My Aunt Gwen hosted a fabulous dinner. A good time was had by all. Mark seemed to enjoy his first Thanksgiving, although he definitely did NOT enjoy turkey. I was kinda bummed. Oh well.

We took a break from the festivities for a family photo shoot. photographer: my Uncle Bill (it's such a gift to have some photography talent in the family!)

Katie, the youngest of the Hanlon kids, celebrated her sweet 16 during our visit. I can't believe it---my baby sister is 16!! Katie, I admire your servant's heart. You consistently look for how you can help and don't seem to ever think twice about it. My prayer for you is to see your servant's heart bring people to Christ. Happy Sweet 16!! I love you!
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Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?
The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.