There are some moments each day that I wish I could bottle up and keep for a lifetime. Sometimes I run and grab my camera and sometimes I simply enjoy them and hope I can remember them forever. It seems like I've frequented the "grab the camera" option more often recently. Here are some sweet life moments from the past couple weeks....

Mark tried on his Dad's shoes for the first time :-)

My boys sitting next to each other watching the am news still trying to wake up.

Mark's 1st mohawk made with Chris's excess gel.

the matching Purdue hats on backwards

gulping down liquids after an exhausting father/son bike ride
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Thy Faithfulness!" Lam 3:22-23
Thank you, Lord, for these daily beautiful gifts that we don't deserve!!