Friday, April 29, 2011

Catching Up- March Highlights

Family Pictures:
In the middle of March all of Chris's family gathered together in Indiana to take family pictures. It was thought to be the last time we would spend time with Sarah, Jon, and their children before they left for Japan. The morning after we arrived we heard the news of the tragic earthquake that rocked Japan. Needless to say, the earthquake changed plans dramatically. Chris ended up traveling with Jon on a relief missions trip to Japan and while they were away, Sarah and the children visited us in Ohio.

Family pictures taken by the talented, Lia Steinfort....
the Pfeil family
our new family portrait
Matt & Angela
all the grandkids
our sweet 2 year old
All the comotion was too much for our dear Lillia!!

more photos from the weekend...
grandkids....youngest to oldest
Mark and Lillia with their great-granparents

Lillia's 4 month Photo Shoot

Mark Tries to Nurse Lillia...
Mark loves his baby sister. As soon as he wakes up in the morning or from a nap one of his 1st questions is "Where's Yilya?." He also tries to pick her up, give her a bottle, wipe up her spit up--- basically she's his live baby doll. Given his track record it was just a matter of time before he tried to nurse her. Here he is with my nursing cover trying to feed his little sis. He even tried to switch sides!! Hahaha!! I love these moments!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

They made it!

Chris and the team made it to Japan without a hitch. I'll post more information as it comes in.
Here are the four husbands/ dads on the airplane....
My sister-in-law, Sarah Pfeil, arrived at our place with her four children yesterday afternoon. Mark is enjoying all this cousin time :-) And these mama's are enjoying the companionship with our husbands away!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Prayer Requests, etc.

Chris and the team leave early tomorrow morning for Japan. The suitcase and box of supplies are ready for the door. Chris is busy filling the ipod for the flight and choosing the best books to pass the time in the skies. If you are reading this tonight or in the next few days, please lift Chris and the team up in prayer.
Please pray....

1. for smooth travel --- no cancellations or delays
2. safety
3. physical endurance-- working on jet lag doesn't sound like fun :-(
4. that Chris and the others will be able to encourage the current team that is on the field long term.

and perhaps the most important...

5. That the team may be a light for Christ to a country that is so broken.

6. That God will be h

PRAISE GOD for supplies...

People have been amazingly generous in their giving to this trip. Chris and the rest of the team were able to split up supply lists and hit the stores. Here are just some of the materials the team was able to purchase....

-many leather work gloves
-safety glasses
-saw blades
-rotary hammers
-shop vac
-sleeping bags
-extension cords
-reciprocating saws
-some toys and activities for children in the shelters

just a smidgen of the many supplies being brought over for relief efforts

THANK YOU, team for being the HANDS and FEET of JESUS to JAPAN!!!

Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.