The second year of a child's life has not had the best reputation--- ever heard of "the terrible two's"?? We entered this infamous year on the 27th of March with both excitement and trepidation. I'm not gonna lie... I have noticed a dramatic difference in our little man over the past couple months. He is more curious than ever. I told my mom I'm sure he has magnetic fingers--- it's incredible what he is able to reach!! (It's as if everything dangerous or unfitting for a toddler is drawn to his fingertips!!) He's become fearless of heights which makes this mama just a tid bit nervous. And it seems like the more fearless he becomes, the more clumsy he becomes--- not the best combination. But along with this physically scary phase has come the most incredibly exciting and sweet verbal phase. God's handy work is showing through with each new thought he communicates. He's noticing the world around him and commenting on his fascinations. He's learning verses & songs. He's using his words to keep track of Lillia's every move, comfort her, and teach her his latest mastery. It's too sweet! My theory is God increases those "melt your heart" moments to help soften the blow of all the discipline, chasing, and worry that "two" brings. We celebrate all that "one" blessed us with and now we greatly anticipate "the terrific two's"! HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY, MARK!! We love you soooo much!!!

Basketball was the theme of the day-- basketball cake, a basketball hoop, and a basket ball present!
German pancakes for breakfast
We were super spoiled to have Aunt Beth and Aunt Molly here to celebrate this special day. The memories are priceless! Thank you Beth and Molly for your visit!!