Saturday, November 22, 2008

20 Week Belly Bump

Now that you have seen Baby H from the inside... here's baby H from the outside.  This was taken last Sunday (11/16).


  1. heyy lee n chris thts awesom! prais th Lord th baby's healthy =) miss u both so much! lov u! ~kate

  2. Leanne!!!!!!!!! Wow, I still have such a hard time believing there's a little baby in there! I am praise the Lord the with you!

    Love, Janelle

  3. Hi Chris & Leanne:

    I'm so thrilled for the two of you and can't wait to meet Baby H! Leanne, you looked beautiful.
    I miss you both.

    Lots of love & laughter,

    Aunt Deirdre


Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.