In the beginning of June we began our summer travel schedule with a trip to Hilton Head Island, SC. Thankfully we (actually, Chris) drove through the night so our sweet, little boy traveller was a champ :-) The week was packed with too many fun evens to document, but here are a few snapshots of our wonderful memories.
10 minutes before we left for our 12 1/2 hour adventure we were blessed with witnessing an entire rainbow over our street!! Wow!! Thank you, Lord, for the beauty you allow us to enjoy!!
Somebody looks like he just woke up. Here's our champ eating his McD's hotcakes after a 12 snooze (i.e. trip).
Mark had no idea was his taste buds were about to encounter...
Can you say "Yum"??
"The best thing I ever ate..."
Who needs a Little Tikes playhouse?? -- an empty cabinet is just as fun!!
Me with 3 of the Kirk girls
Dancing with Mimi
our view from "The Wreck of the Salty Dog"
cousin friends: Olivia and Abby
Balloon Animals
Ice Cream Trough: a fun (but unsanitary) Hilton Head tradition
Bike riding with Papa: One of my favorite family activities is bike riding. Having our little boy join us makes it extra special. Throughout the week Mark got to join his Papa on many bike riding adventures. Mark got to witness sunrises over the ocean from the back of his Papa's bike, and Mama and Daddy got to enjoy several relaxing breakfasts without a child :-)
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