Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made...

We have not yet had a post celebrating the life of our new little one who is due December 12th. This is certainly inexcusable... (although I will try and make the excuse of life being crazy this summer!) As with Mark, throughout this pregnancy I have been drawn back to Psalm 139. It makes me smile to think about how much care and thought God is putting into forming this little one. Please pray with us for the health of this baby and also that he or she will love the Lord their God and Maker with all their heart, soul, and mind.

baby feet
"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Rom 10:15
baby's arm and hand

In this pic, the baby is looking right at us and it looks like he or she is giving us the "ok" sign. When we go in for this ultrasound, I get nervous because this is when they test for signs of health problems. When we saw this picture, Chris insisted that the baby was saying... "I'm Ok Mama... Relax!"

About 26 weeks down...14 left to go!! We can't wait to meet this new little one!!


  1. Oh, I never grow tired of seeing precious, new life growing so beautifully in a mama's womb!! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Praising God with you for the gift of this little life.

    Love you all,
    Aunt Amy

  2. Oh my gosh! I can't believe you only have 14 weeks to go! It's gone by so fast for me. Haha!

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow night.


Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.