We had the pleasure of celebrating Thanksgiving as both a family of 3 AND a family of 4. A few days before Lillia was born we went to Chris's family's house to have an early Thanksgiving feast with them. Then on the actual Thanksgiving day our sweet friends, Curtis and Jess Penick, invited us over to share in their festivities. I must mention that Jess is a fantastic cook ---and I was completely amazed at her seemingly stress-free attitude towards the very daunting task of Thanksgiving dinner. Great Job, Jess!!
Thanksgiving at Mimi & Papa Harrington's...
so sweet
And I have to include this next picture for Lillia when she's older... Here you are in my belly, just 1 week before we got to meet you---35weeks pregnant. We had no idea you would surprise us with your arrival in just 8 short days!!!
Thanksgiving at the Penicks...
we LOVED having you guys -- and will miss seeing you tonight, but i think it's for your own good! trust me!