Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Message From Chris: Likely uses for the funds...

God has provided an abundance of funds for our trip. We now have the ability to bring over some much needed tools. Here is a list of the possible items. 1. Pressure Washers 2. Shop Vacs 3. Powerful reciprocating saw (sawzall) with extra blades 4. Big drills with masonry bits with extra bits This equipment is needed in the cleanup and demolition efforts that are happening right now. I am sending this request out to you all hoping that somebody has a connection with Delta Air Lines. Our biggest hurdle right now is being able to talk to the right person who can ok us being able to take more weight onto the plane then we are currently alloted. To be able to get this equipment over there we will need to be able to take more then just two bags at 50 lbs. each. I am going to be working with Delta today, but if anyone has a contact that might help to expedite the process toward a dicision that would be a great help.

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Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.