We have had the privilege of taking care of babies this summer--- Not the kind that giggle and cry, but the kind that you water and can eat :-) Baby Tomatoes! At least that's what we call them. When I first brought these dear plants home Mark helped put them in pots and water them. Every day since the two of us head out to the driveway to make sure they're OK. At the first appearance of buds I screeched with glee and Mark followed in suit (not really knowing what he was so excited about.) I explained that we had baby tomatoes. From then on our trips to the driveway have grown exponentially. Mark counts "the babies," waters "the babies," and encourages "the babies" in his sweet sing-song voice, "you growin' babies! you growin'! good job baby 'matoes!" I have a sneaking suspicion that the joy I get watching Mark lovingly "parent" his tomato plants is just a smidgen of the joy God gets watching us lovingly parent His precious children.
What a fabulous word picture for me today!!! All the love and care to our precious little ones is worth it. Love ya.
ReplyDeleteThis might be the most adorable thing EVER! What a sweet boy you have! :)