Tuesday, October 26, 2010

33 week belly shot

33 weeks pregnant with our second little one. Praise God!!---only 7 weeks left until we get to meet this baby!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 30th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!

We had the joy of visiting my parents for their 30th wedding anniversary. It was a quick weekend, but there is nothing like getting to all be together.

49, 48, 47...

49 Days to go...
We pray that this baby will seek to glorify God with his or her life.

48 Days to go...
We pray that baby Harrington will be a prayer warrior.

47 Days to go...
We pray for a bond of love and friendship between Mark and our new little one.

Friday, October 22, 2010

50 Days

50 days (give or take) until we meet this child we've been dreaming about. Chris and I are both second children. We joke about how there are only 1/2 as many baby pictures of us than there are of our older siblings. I always joke about how I got the blue clothes and the Kid Brother doll while my older sister got the pink clothes and the Kid Sister doll. (You do remember the Kid Sister and Kid Brother dolls don't you???) There probably isn't much truth in our joking but it makes us laugh so we do it any way. That said... we've been particularly sensitive to this baby, our second child. We want to celebrate this pregnancy as much as Mark's, but I have to admit it's much more fun to post pics of Mark's new adventures than it is to post pics of my belly expanding. I do want to document this child's effect on my belly, but I thought a more meaningful celebration of these last 50 days of pregnancy would be to try to post a prayer for Baby H2 each day.

50 days to go...
Lord, we pray for the health and safe arrival of this new child you've blessed us with.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Masterpiece

For the first time Mark colored more than he ate the crayons. Here is our boy showing off his masterpiece. I'm glad we got a picture when we did --- shortly after this photo was taken he crumpled his picture and politely asked if he could throw it in the trash. His new hobby is finding garbage, showing me, then standing in front of the trash saying "Peaze, Peaze, Peaze"--eagerly awaiting permission to throw away his little treasure. I hope we never forget these sweet moments :-)

Visiting Aunt Molly

During the summer months Chris gets to participate in what his work calls "summer hours." He works an extra hour each day of the week and gets a half day once a week. We have loved this special schedule as it allows for longer family day trips during the work week. Our last summer hours half day was spent visiting Aunt Molly at GCC. We all had a blast together going shopping, feasting on Mexican food, and catching up on all the details in each others' lives.
We love you Molly!! Thanks for a fantastic evening!!

Mark couldn't get enough of Aunt Molly--- lots of hugs and kisses :-)

Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.