Monday, February 22, 2010

February Highlights- Part 1

Winter Grilling
Chris loves to grill even in the winter. He is frequently asking me if he can grill for dinner. (I know... I'm super blessed!!) Here are my boys whipping up dinner for us.

Mark's 1st Spaghetti
The night before we left for NJ we had spaghetti for dinner. We tried to give Mark the pasta without the sauce (less mess); however, he kept pushing this bland pasta out of his mouth with his tongue. When we dipped the pasta in sauce he slurped it right down!! Looks like we may have a little guy who love Italian!

Grandma's Birthday Weekend in NJ
Valentine's Day weekend we packed up the car and headed East to visit my fam. We ate, we laughed, we played, we celebrated my Mom's birthday, and we just plain "hung out." I love visiting my family and it's even more special when I get to be with them on a birthday. Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma! We love you!!!

I love my darling husband SO much!! I really can't count the ways but here's one of them: he makes life fun :-) We enjoy watching the food network and travel channel every now and then. Once in a while there are shows discussing the best places to eat in _________ city. When we decided to make a trip to NJ he searched out one of these decorated eateries for us to visit. His choice: RU Hungry in New Brunswick, NJ home of "The Fat Darrel" which won the sandwich of the year! What's on this sandwich you ask?? chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, and marinara sauce Yeah, I was not super convinced I would enjoy this award winner, but it was actually quite tasty. If you run into Chris sometime, you'll have to ask him how this sandwich was invented--- it's quite intriguing. That's another thing I love about my husband.... He's always researching something new and interesting:-)

Here we are in front of RU Hungry
All 8 of us crammed into my parents 7 passenger van so we could take one car. This was before we realized there was no indoor seating for lunch. Somehow we all managed to chow down without making a mess--- it was a miracle!!

We introduced Mark to bubbles in Grandma's kitchen. It's always a joy to see the excitement in his face when he is discovering.
Of course Mark had to see what these bubbles tasted like, but to his chagrin he wasn't quite able to capture them in his mouth :-)

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Why the name "Drinking From Our Saucer"?

The full phrase is "I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup is overflowing." It came from Chris's grandmother who would say it when she would get overwhelmed with her blessings. Through the years the phrase has been shortened to "I'm drinking from my saucer!" We thought it was a perfect fit for a blog that documented God's many blessings to us.